Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Welcome Fall 2009 Students!

Welcome to EDAD 536 for the Fall semester at Lewis & Clark!

Please view the course syllabus and overview. This course is designed to expand your thinking to consider the role of technology in your school.

We'll explore questions like:
Is it important for my students and teachers to be information literate?
What is information literacy?
Is technology something we have to teach? Is there another way to embed technology?

I look forward to having you in class!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Web Focus on Thursday

On Thursday and then the following week, we will be spending our time focusing on the Web, a bit of it's history, some basic components of a site that you may not already know, look at the "source" code for no more than 2 minutes (I promise), and then the construction of a site using our Google accts. You'll be amazed how easy it is!

We'll also have a guest speaker, Paul Navarre of Net Interactions. Paul is a web developer and programmer and is very keen on developing in the education realm. He's got some great ideas and vision for what the web can do for teachers, administrators and students!

See you tomorrow night!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Jan 29 Class

I'm excited for tonight's class! Our first guest speaker is due to come at around 7:00PM. He is the video producer for the Beaverton School District, Scott Hacke. He is a classroom teacher with K-12 experience, has integrated video into his classroom since the beginning, and has created one of the state's leading moving images festival called "Signal to Noise".

Before Scott's arrival, we will be going around our "Center Court" sharing our school plans, then reading from Andrew Zucker's book, Transforming Schools with Technology, then looking at various applications that help support student learning.

See you tonight!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Looking forward to seeing you all at tonight's class.

Here are some cool sites found this week:

Obama's Top Tech Tools

Rob Forbes TED Video on Design - mostly on visual art, but he mentions technology at the end, BUT you must watch the ending commercial.

Education Week/Technology --Great updated news from

NCTE - 21st Century Literacies

NCTE - 21st Century Curr & Assess - Thinking, critical, evaluative skills--incl tech tools

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Welcome class to EDAD 536 at Lewis & Clark College.

I hope to use this as my platform for sharing information about how I can help and support you through this class. It's my hope that it's fun, engaging and that the time flies by!

Your first assignment is to "comment" on this "post". You can respond simply or tell me what your really think! But in order to do this, you'll have to sign up for a Google account.

THEN, you will create your own blog--and it will be on this platform where you will share your thoughts and reflections each week.